Wednesday 29 April 2015

Types of Report Writing

A report is a dreadfully official document that is written to serve the range of purpose in the engineering and business disciplines; sciences and social sciences. Therefore, they need to be clear-cut and accurate. Good report writing call for--- professionalism, profound knowledge of the subject, attentiveness, and outstanding writing proficiency.
Types of Report Writing ---
  • Research Report Writing
  • Business Report Writing
  • Science Report Writing
Research Report Writing--- To presents the tangible proof of the conducted research is the major intention of the academic assignment. When writing on research report, you must ponder over clarity, organization, and content. Research reports are all the more same to technical reports, lab reports, formal reports and scientific papers which comprise a quite consistent format that will facilitate you to put your information noticeably, making it crystal clear.
Business Report Writing--- In business milieu, Business report writing happens to be an indispensable part of the communication process. Executive summary is written in a non-technical manner. By and large, audience for business reports will consist of upper level manager, for that reason you should take the audience needs in consideration. Go on with the introduction to articulate the problem and determine the scope of the research. To attain the desired results, don't fail to state about the precise quantitative tools.
Science Report Writing--- Parallel to a business report, science report writing also corresponds with the line of investigation. To report upon an empirical investigation, these reports make use of standard scientific report format, portraying technique, fallout and conclusions. As an assignment in undergraduate papers within the scientific disciplines, it is required frequently.
The main objective of the Science report is to boast an aim, the technique which enlightens how the project has been analyzed, the outcomes which presents the findings and the conclusion. This embraces advance research suggestions and your own biased opinion on the topic which has been talked about.
When writing a science report, do not fail to remember to use heading and subheadings in order to direct a reader through your work. In the form of tables and graphs, Statistical evidence should be incorporated in appendices. Than refer to it in the body of your scientific report.
Reports are a common form of writing because of the inclusion of recommendations which are helpful in implementing the decision.
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Interview Essays That Reveal

Many people use interview essays to reveal the personality of an individual. Interviewers at universities and companies, in particular, use interview essays to check if an applicant has the necessary knowledge and skills to be accepted. An interview essay is also a guide that allows an author - or interviewer - to gather information from an individual who he wants to reveal to his readers. That is why questions formulated for interview essays should focus on the subject's work, opinions, interests and favorite activities.
Just like any form of essay, interview essays must have a goal to be considered professional and to attract readers. An author can accomplish this by formulating questions that lead to a specific aim. When preparing for the interview, an author needs to prepare a variety of questions that answer the four W's - What? Where? When? and Why? He should avoid questions that are too personal. Expressing personal opinions about the interviewee is allowed; however, they must not veer off from the goal of the interview. An author should remember that a good interview essay is not a summary of the answered questions or a personal reflection of the subject, but a clear personality portrait of the interviewee.
Generally, interview essays make use of four different types of questions to help the author better understand the interviewee.
Direct Questions. These are questions that can only be answered by a yes or a no. Interviewees who receive these questions are asked to further explain their answers.
Closed Questions. The correct answers to these questions are limited, making them extremely useful in checking the knowledge of an interviewee on a particular subject.
Loaded Questions. If an author really wants to know the character of an interviewee, he should ask loaded questions. These questions are provocative in nature; presuppositions and guesses that are aimed to compel an interviewee to give a straightforward answer. For example: Do you still like to torture animals?
Non-verbal probes. These represent statements or phrases used by the interviewer to make the whole interview process relaxed and more productive; statements such as, I'd like to know more about your job as a district attorney. Non-verbal probes prompt the interviewee to give more details on a specific question.
Interview essays, like all other forms of essays, has an introduction, a body, and a conclusion in its structure. The introduction contains the general information about the interviewee. It talks about peculiarities such as profession, family life, location, sports or hobbies. The body discusses the topic or the intended goal of the interview. Quotes from the interviewee must be included to show readers that the body's contents are not based on the author's personal opinion. The conclusion is where the author can give his personal reflection on what the interview was able to prove.
With the many different personalities in the world, authors of interview essays will never run out of topics to write about. Authors, however, must check if he has a keen knowledge of the topic and if the topic will interest a lot of readers. A successful interview essay provides an author a complete information about the interviewee and a satisfaction that can only be felt when one has reached his goal.
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7 Tips to Overcome Plagiarism in Your Essays

You are more than likely a little tired of hearing the word plagiarism, but, if you are conscious about doing well at college and university, then you should be clearly aware of what plagiarism is, how easily you can fall into the trap, and how you will be able to identify quickly if you have mistakenly plagiarised someone else's work and remove it.
Tip 1 - Know what Plagiarism is
You should become accustomed to what plagiarism actually is - essentially it is passing of someone else's work as your own. Doing so in academic writing means that you are not acknowledging where you have gained the information and understanding of the topic on which you are writing, and after all you are not expected to know everything!
Tip 2 - Don't copy any work verbatim
Copying work verbatim means copying someone else's work word for word with no acknowledgment to who or where the work has come from. This is different from a direct citation, as with a citation you are acknowledging where exactly the words have come from as well as evidence of your reading.
Tip 3 - Copying and Pasting is a no, no
You should resist the temptation of copying and pasting any material from someone else's work and changing a few verbs around, and replacing a few other words just isn't right. Even if you put a reference to where you got this information in reference list as you are still copying most of the words from the original writing.
Tip 4 - Keep track of your sources
You may do all of your research on a note pad, and at the back write down all of the full references of the sources you are using. I used to do this and found it to be of great help - it is so frustrating when you have a great quotation, but can't use it as you can not remember where in the hell you actually jotted it down from. Keeping track of and organising your sources is key to keeping on top of preventing plagiarism.
Tip 5 - Practise expressing some else's ideas
You will be writing about many different author's notions and ideas throughout your work, so practicing doing so will lead to you increasingly understanding how to do this process. You want to be able to express other people's opinions and processes fluently and not being able to do so can lead you to copy and plagiarism other individual's work.
Tip 6 - Believe in your own writing and conclusions
You wouldn't have be able to get into your current course if people didn't think you would be able to complete the work set out without committing plagiarism. You want to be able to prove to yourself how much you want your qualification and you should be able to write in your won words an understanding of certain theories and understanding within a chosen topic. You will need to conclude your writing too, so you will need to know in-depth about what you have written in your paper.
Tip 7 - Check your work
Sometimes, and even without noticing, you could be plagiarising someone else's work in your essay or paper. This isn't because you have done it knowingly, but it could be that the 2am mad writing session was pretty tiring and you actually added a part of a paragraph that now doesn't look like your actual writing. Checking through your own work will mean that you should spot some areas that you may have approached the plagiarism boundary and need to steer yourself away from it.
You could also additionally have a professional proofreader look over your document for you and bring a different view to your writing, this increases your chances of making sure your work doesn't contain any plagiarism.
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Anyone Can Write an Essay!

"I'll figure that out . . . when I get the time."
"I really don't know how to start!"
"I really should write my essay!"
This common dilemma is expressed over and over again by many people everywhere. The good news is that anybody can write an essay!
There are three main reasons for essays:
1. To help you to cohesively construct an argument and defend it on paper.
2. To help you develop good written and oral communication skills.
3. To help you to figure out how to find information.
Not knowing how to write properly can make your academic life disorganized, stressful and chaotic. By improving your writing skills, you can confidently and quickly finish assignments and write properly throughout your professional career.
Writing an essay can be very simple when you follow these basic steps: choose a topic, define the scope of your essay, create the outline, write the essay and -- proofread, proofread, proofread!
The Essay Topic
The first step in writing an essay is to select a topic (if one has not been assigned). In order to define a topic, you should think about the goal of the essay. Is the purpose of the essay to persuade, educate, or describe a topic -- or for something else entirely? It is generally helpful to brainstorm ideas by jotting down favorite subjects or thinking of a topic that may be interesting to you.
Define the Scope of the Essay
The next step is to define the scope of your essay. Is the subject matter very broad, or will the essay cover a specific topic with detail-oriented examples? Thinking about the overall topic and scope will help you to begin the writing process.
Create an Outline
The next step is to create the outline. You may think that an outline is an unnecessary, time-consuming task -- but this step will actually help save time! An outline will help keep you focused while writing your essay, and help keep you from wandering aimlessly in conducting your research. It should be composed of the main idea of the essay or thesis
statement, and the arguments that support it. The outline is often numbered and organized by paragraph, but more abstract outlines will also help to organize and focus your
Writing the Essay
The subsequent step is writing the essay. The introduction paragraph should begin with an attention grabber. This is a statement the lures the reader into wanting to read the rest of the essay. The next few sentences should be very broad in topic, and should lead to the narrow focus of the thesis statement, which is usually the very last sentence of the introduction paragraph. There are typically three body paragraphs, and each one starts by tackling one of the main ideas presented in the thesis statement. The following sentences should describe and elaborate on the main point. Details of specific examples should be included to strengthen your main ideas. The conclusion paragraph summarizes the essay and provides a final perspective on the main topic. It often begins with a paraphrase of the original thesis statement, and sometimes includes a future prediction based upon the viewpoint presented in the essay.
Proofreading Your Essay
The final step in writing a thesis is proofreading. Proofreading is actually the most important part of writing the essay and is often skipped. A few items to consider when proofreading your essay are the order of the paragraphs, the flow of the sentences, grammar, spelling and the instructions for the assignment. Questions to ask yourself include:
o Does your essay make sense?
o Does each sentence flow to the next sentence well?
o Are there any points that can be made stronger or clearer?
o Are there words that are used frequently?
o Are there any run-on sentences or fragments?
The proofreading process sometimes takes longer than the actual writing process, but this is what makes the difference between a concise and well thought out essay, and a bad essay.
When the process of writing an essay is broken into pieces, the process seems more manageable and easier to complete for the beginner. The process consists of thinking about a topic, creating an outline, writing the essay and proofreading the essay. This makes essay writing an interesting learning experience, and helps the writer express his or her thoughts more clearly, concisely and with more validation.
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Quick and Easy Sales Letter Writing

For many people, writing sales letters is a chore that they would either rather not do or, if pressed, will leave it until the very last minute and then throw something together that doesn't do their product justice. You can tell these slapdash sales letters at a glance and you've probably ignored more than one. They're to be found everywhere from the description in Amazon through to regular sales pages that are hoping to sell you a product directly.
Start with your headline
If you don't think you're any good at writing headlines, you're not alone.
I often start by using one of the online headline generators. They're free and explain the different boxes that you need to complete before you press the button to generate the suggestions.
Once you've completed all the various boxes, the software will give you a number of headlines that range from poor (not all of them will make sense) through to quite good.
Take one or two that appear good to you and either use them "as is" or tweak them slightly. You'll be ahead of most of your competition even if you don't have a world class headline.
Draft some sub headings
These should cover each of the main things included in your product.
Sometimes if I'm lazy I'll just label these "video 1", "video 2" etc.
But I know that doesn't necessarily give me the maximum possible sales and that really I should take my own advice and write some compelling sub headings.
These aren't as important as the main headline but they should allow people who don't read the whole of your sales letter to get a good idea what your product is about.
If you're not sure what to include in this section, take a look inside some of the books in your niche in Amazon and see which ones you'd like to be able to click through to the relevant chapter. Rather than the ones that don't give you any idea what the chapter is about.
Then rewrite those in your own words to suit your product.
Put some content below the sub headings
I end up with anything from a paragraph or two right the way through to almost a complete essay.
You may well do the same once you get in the flow of writing.
But, at first, just aim to write a couple of paragraphs as though you were explaining the sub topic to a friend in an email reply.
Write naturally, even if your English teacher would have freaked out at school. They're almost certainly not the person buying the product and it's much better that you get your point across than being meticulously correct with your grammar.
My English teachers freaked at my style at school but that didn't stop me getting decent grades or writing articles like this one. So don't let that idea hold you back either!
Include a call to action
This is really the point of a sales letter.
Its whole purpose in life is to sell - the clue is in its name!
So make sure that you include a call to action.
This can be as simple as telling people to click the buy button now - that's one I use on a regular basis.
Partly because it works.
Partly because I'm quite lazy when it comes to writing sales letters and it does the job.
But mainly because we like to be told what to do and telling people to click the buy button fulfills that need.
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Guidelines in Writing With Chinese Business Professionals

Does your organization do business with Chinese companies? As you're probably aware, business convention when it comes to letters, memos and other written correspondences aren't exactly uniform across all countries and cultures. While standard American business writing is largely applicable to Chinese culture, there are certain things you may want to consider the next time you compose an email.
Pull up a reference. If this is a first communication, always preface it by using a reference. "Cold calling" is not as popular in Chinese business climates as it is in other areas of the world. As such, that brief paragraph explaining how you came upon their business can prove crucial.
Be conscious of addressing them as equals. When corresponding with personnel from other companies, always address them as equals. You're neither their boss nor their subordinate, so the tone of your writing must reflect that. Be conscious of the words, phrases and clauses you employ, taking care that it communicates that you're on equal terms.
Use titles and family names. Business correspondences must remain formal. As such, always refer to individuals using their title and surname (e.g. Dr. So, Mr. Chan), never their given names.
Make sure translators know the rules. We're big proponents for translation software, but avoid using it for official emails and letters, as it's prone to grammatical foibles and some mistakes - you don't want to paint that kind of picture to potential business associates. If you're hiring a translator to port your English correspondence to Chinese, make sure they know the importance of the above rules, as they can mean the difference between clear communication and misunderstandings.
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Nursing Assistant Online Classes

Many healthcare training institutions now offer online distance education programs. Programs are now available online to help students study to become nursing assistants. One of the best advantages of online classes is flexibility. A student can usually take the course any time during the day or week. While there are custom essay writing and researching assignments to complete, the precise time to take the class often depends on the student's desire. Students who work are able to take the class based on their schedules. Many students work on their course during the middle of the night or early in the morning. The flexibility of the course makes it possible for a person to complete the course, while attending college courses in person might be impossible due to their work schedule. Since all classes are online, students will not have to attend classes. For those who work full-time, this will save time, and make scheduling events in their lives much easier. Students will also not have to find parking spaces, leave work early to go to class, or miss family time.
The biggest advantage of an online nursing assistant study program is that your classroom and instructors are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Your only excuse for missing class is not getting online! Otherwise, everything is available to you. You can get announcements, access notes, review assignments, take practice quizzes, discuss questions, chat with fellow students and study any time you want. Other than certain due dates, you make your own schedule for completing the requirements of the course. Online students often find that their family, friends and/or boy-girl-friends get involved in the course. Oftentimes, a student will study with that special someone present. Children may take an interest in the online environment. Parents may look over the shoulder of an online student while they are surfing across the web. In short, everyone in the household gets involved in learning. Having the support of your family and friends makes you more likely to succeed/
Another advantage to e-learning for nursing assistant students is the ability to instruct students without an extensive library of textbooks, manuals, or teaching materials. Necessary texts are often available electronically when you log on to the system. This reduces your expenses for books, computer software, and other costly materials. Many online courses are self-paced and allow you the chance to speed up or slow down as needed. They are often also self-directed, giving students the ability to choose content and tools appropriate to personal interests, needs, and skill levels. Such customization accommodates various learning styles and allows you to approach the information in whichever way is best for you.
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Tuesday 28 April 2015

The Importance of Post-Secondary Education in Furthering Your Career

For a great number of reasons, having a post-secondary education is vital to furthering your career-- no matter your field or profession. In today's business world, your options for career advancement can be limited --or sometimes eliminated-- by not having a post-secondary education. Many types of careers actually require post-secondary education as a prerequisite for entry to that particular field. Even in those occupations where post-secondary education is not a mandatory prerequisite, it is certainly viewed in a favorable light by employers.
When employers go through the process of screening job applicants, they look to find candidates who have the skills and knowledge to effectively perform the essential functions of the job that is available. However, employers also want to select candidates who are likely to have long-term success within the company, giving them reason to remain with the company for a long period of time. In other words, employers try to reduce the potential for turnover by hiring highly qualified candidates who not only have a genuine interest in the job for which they are applying, but also an ability to grow and expand to new and higher positions.
When you have completed a post-secondary education in your chosen field, you demonstrate to employers that (a) you have formal training that has prepared you with at least entry-level skills related to that occupation and (b) you are committed to pursuing a long-term career in that particular field. The fact that you started and completed a post-secondary education program gives employers confidence in both your qualifications and your commitment. Because of this, the completion of post-secondary education in the field is often the deciding factor in the hiring process.
Even if you were able to gain employment in the field of your choice without any post-secondary education, it is certainly in your best interest to pursue continuing education if your want to advance your career. By pursuing advanced education related to your career field, you will acquire skills that help you perform better in your job. Additionally, your actions will demonstrate to your employer your continued commitment to your chosen profession.
Having a post-secondary education can also benefit you financially. Without a post-secondary education, there are a number of jobs for which you will not even be eligible for consideration. For many positions, the starting salary differs depending on the level of education that you have completed. Many times, pay raises and promotions are also tied to completion of post-secondary education programs. Therefore, while you might be able to gain entry to a particular occupation without a post-secondary education, you can't move up --or make more money-- until you complete additional studies.
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