Wednesday 29 April 2015

Quick and Easy Sales Letter Writing

For many people, writing sales letters is a chore that they would either rather not do or, if pressed, will leave it until the very last minute and then throw something together that doesn't do their product justice. You can tell these slapdash sales letters at a glance and you've probably ignored more than one. They're to be found everywhere from the description in Amazon through to regular sales pages that are hoping to sell you a product directly.
Start with your headline
If you don't think you're any good at writing headlines, you're not alone.
I often start by using one of the online headline generators. They're free and explain the different boxes that you need to complete before you press the button to generate the suggestions.
Once you've completed all the various boxes, the software will give you a number of headlines that range from poor (not all of them will make sense) through to quite good.
Take one or two that appear good to you and either use them "as is" or tweak them slightly. You'll be ahead of most of your competition even if you don't have a world class headline.
Draft some sub headings
These should cover each of the main things included in your product.
Sometimes if I'm lazy I'll just label these "video 1", "video 2" etc.
But I know that doesn't necessarily give me the maximum possible sales and that really I should take my own advice and write some compelling sub headings.
These aren't as important as the main headline but they should allow people who don't read the whole of your sales letter to get a good idea what your product is about.
If you're not sure what to include in this section, take a look inside some of the books in your niche in Amazon and see which ones you'd like to be able to click through to the relevant chapter. Rather than the ones that don't give you any idea what the chapter is about.
Then rewrite those in your own words to suit your product.
Put some content below the sub headings
I end up with anything from a paragraph or two right the way through to almost a complete essay.
You may well do the same once you get in the flow of writing.
But, at first, just aim to write a couple of paragraphs as though you were explaining the sub topic to a friend in an email reply.
Write naturally, even if your English teacher would have freaked out at school. They're almost certainly not the person buying the product and it's much better that you get your point across than being meticulously correct with your grammar.
My English teachers freaked at my style at school but that didn't stop me getting decent grades or writing articles like this one. So don't let that idea hold you back either!
Include a call to action
This is really the point of a sales letter.
Its whole purpose in life is to sell - the clue is in its name!
So make sure that you include a call to action.
This can be as simple as telling people to click the buy button now - that's one I use on a regular basis.
Partly because it works.
Partly because I'm quite lazy when it comes to writing sales letters and it does the job.
But mainly because we like to be told what to do and telling people to click the buy button fulfills that need.
Complete Essay
Thesis Writing services

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